Actionscript Contest Keith Peters of Bit-101 fame has started an Actionscript competition, see the link for the rules and the entries so far. Some great work there, much more to come I'm sure - a nice oportunity to push the new MX features to the limit. [via Erick Dolecki] add comment:
Will Apple/Sorenson suit endanger Flash MX video? Didn't cover this because I was away at the time but this short article by Bruce Epstein (editor of Actionscript:TDG) on O'Reilly discusses the implications on MX from the Apple case. Hope this doesn't end in tears... [via flazoom] add comment:
SWF is not Flash Very good article on O'Reilly clearing up what appear to be some widely held myths about Flash - if your having the same conversations with developers over and over again (and I know I am) point them in this direction. The author isn't really pro or anti-flash, he obviously knows his stuff and just lays down the facts. [via Mike Chambers] add comment:
Santiago Ortiz A nice personal site featuring some MX sound experiments and toys - links to spanish tutorials as well (I think - unfortunately I'm practically monolingual so I could be wrong ;) add comment: