I'd like to add my two cents worth on the NY Times article on Women Bloggers. The article was intended to be sympathetic towards women bloggers - evidently we're under-represented on blogrolls and in media references. However, it came across as the usual, tired litany comparing men and women. We women have "an inward focus and keep personal diaries about their daily lives." The guys are either War Bloggers or Tech Bloggers. Gads. Well I have a tech category on my blog. And the author has obviously never read Phil or Niek whose blogs have delightful personal twists.
I find myself offended by the whole article. It's one big whine - why doesn't anyone pay attention to us girls? And it just reinforces old stereotypes - cooking and knitting.
These two reviews on RageBoy and BlogSisters are much more eloquent than I. Well worth the reads.
4:18:59 PM