Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Today's Christmas Google logo is very cute!

9:27:20 PM
Today was extra special because it's been snowing since last night. This is the first snowy Christmas Eve and Christmas I can remember. Fortunately, we had a very white picture-perfect Christmas as opposed to the green Christmas I had feared.
Here's kind of an odd action (blurry) shot of Clemmie rolling in this morning's fresh Christmas snow.
9:21:17 PM
A very nice Christmas - snow, family, gifts, a nice (modest!) Christmas dinner. Just so perfect.

Above on the left is our overly stuffed Christmas tree prior to present opening. Clem is checking out the presents to see where the Jumbo box of Greenies might be hidden.
Above on the right, is my Stepfather Lowell, with his new very cute "Mariner Moose" stadium blanket.
9:07:55 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:28:21 PM.
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