For the past eighteen months I have been heavily involved in GCI's Cable Telephony initiative. During that period we focused on technical trials and proof of concept. We're now deep in preparation for general launch in 2004. Even though I do not normally work with the operational side of GCI, I got bamboozled into leading one of the hard launch teams - my team is reponsible for OSS test design and test administration.
For the vast majority of folks who are blissfully ignorant of telecommunications acronyms, OSS stands for Operational Support Systems - basically what we refer to as "back office" systems. OSS includes everything from order management, provisioning, network inventory control, to billing. OSS's are huge, complex, and very expensive. So, testing these puppies is a staggering undertaking. I don't know how they talked me into this. I think wine was involved at some point.
Anyhoo, the OSS team consists of at least forty people - my test team has eight members. As a part of the OSS team building/morale process, we're having a logo contest. So, I futzed around and came up with the logo below (note: DLPS stands for Digital Local Phone Service - our "name" for Cable Telephony). I used GCI's official logo and then experimented in Photoshop.
Photoshop does some pretty spiffy things with text and special effects. Originally, DLPS and OSS were supposed to have flames coming out behind them. But I just could not get that Photoshop effect to work. But, all in all, I think my little logo attempt is kind of cute in a lame sort of way. We'll see how it does in the contest.

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