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Day level permalink August 5, 2002

Five minors were charged in an Israeli Court with willfully causing damage to computers belonging to companies and private individuals, including the American space NASA, both in Israel and abroad, by writing and disseminating computer viruses over the Internet.

Four of the accused are 10th and 11th graders and the fifth is an 8th grader.  [ Ha'aretz ]

4:22:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

Here's a sensible observation from a surprising source:

If there is one specific cause of the Arab world's calamities and backwardness, it is not colonialism (which packed up decades ago), nor Israel (which continues to be a pain in our side), but the abolition of the concepts of liberty and the rule of law--law which clearly defines the relationship between rulers and ruled, in line with our values as a society. This has made the Arab state incapable of developing or meeting the needs of its citizens. And it has totally marginalized and disempowered the people.

The author is Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi, deputy editor in chief of the Arab News. Just one question: Why did this article appear in the Lebanon Daily Star and not Khashoggi's own paper? "OpinionJournal"

3:00:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Corp. will reveal hundreds of pieces of proprietary computer code from its monopoly Windows operating system in the next several weeks to comply with an antitrust settlement it signed with the U.S.
12:00:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft Set to Carry Out Part of Suit. The Microsoft Corporation said on Sunday that it planned to carry out certain elements of its antitrust settlement with the Justice Department. By Joel Brinkley. [New York Times: Technology]
9:55:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli defence minister promises "surprises" in response to attacks:. (DAWN: Latest News) JERUSALEM, Aug 05: Israeli Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer warned today that "surprises in the anti-terror war" should be expected following the latest string of deadly Palestinian attacks. Ben Eliezer also said "140 would-be suicide bombers, male and female, were arrested by the army before they could carry out their attacks." He did not specify when the suspected militants were arrested. Ben Eliezer said he was against expelling Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat or sending him back to the Gaza Strip. "Such a measure would not improve Israel's security," he said. (AFP) (Posted @ 15:30 PDT) [Palestine & Israel News]
9:43:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

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