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Day level permalink August 27, 2002

Osama bin Laden is firmly back in command of al Qaeda and the group is digging in for guerrilla attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan, an Arab journalist with close ties to the militant's associates said on Tuesday. [ Reuters ]
6:13:20 PM  Item-level permalink    

Tatiana Menaker, the token Jew against whom charges were brought in the SFSU riot, has wrapped up her kangaroo court trial at SFSU and headed off to Mexico for vacation.  The whole disgraceful story is here at

5:07:21 PM  Item-level permalink - Power of force leads to census farce - August 27, 2002. More than 70,000 fans of the "Star Wars" movies have upset Australia's statistics agency by identifying their religion as "Jedi" during last year's national census. [Daypop Top News Stories]
5:01:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

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