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Day level permalink September 1, 2002

Parents who smoke and drink and otherwise fail to take care of their health are influencing their children to do likewise — but they may also be somehow giving them the nod to have sex, researchers said on Friday

TEENAGERS whose parents smoked were about 50 percent more likely to have had sex by the time they were 15.


6:10:49 PM  Item-level permalink    

Already under fire from abroad, the Bush administration was criticized across the political spectrum at home on Sunday for an Iraq policy in disarray, with top advisers seemingly at odds.
The latest apparent split came as Secretary of State Colin Powell seemed to differ with Vice President Dick Cheney over the need to get U.N. inspectors back into Baghdad, and President Bush came under attack for failing to get his team in line.
"There have been nuanced disagreements from day one ... and they should be brought under control," said former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, a Republican. "He's got to lead, he's got to unify, he's got to ... start speaking with one voice."


6:08:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel and Jordan announced their largest-ever joint project at the World Summit on Sunday, a $800 million pipeline intended to save the shrinking Dead Sea from environmental devastation.
The level of the sea, shared between the two countries that signed a peace agreement in 1994, is sinking at the rate of nearly a meter (3.3 feet) a year and could disappear in a few decades, damaging tourism in both countries and indirectly draining scarce water supplies in the region, Cabinet ministers from both countries said.  "cnn"

6:05:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli Forces Kill 11 Palestinians; Army Probe Urged. (NPR News (Audio)) Israeli forces kill five Palestinians. That brings to 11 the number of Palestinians killed this weekend, including two children. The Israeli president seeks an investigation as to whether the army was "trigger-happy." NPR News reports. Sept. 1, 2002. [Palestine & Israel News]
6:02:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

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