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Day level permalink September 6, 2002

A minor variant of the Klez virus is set to go into action Friday, erasing a host of files on infected hard drives. But the attack may also wipe out the attacker.
The 8-month-old mass-mailing computer virus called Klez.E triggers its payload on the sixth day of March, May, September and November, erasing 14 different types of files, including Word documents and HTML files.
But the variant has all but disappeared from the Internet, said Vincent Gullotto, director of the antivirus emergency response team at security company Network Associates, and the year's two remaining payloads should call attention to the few computers still infected with Klez.E, allowing the pest to be exterminated.

Get the W32.Klez Infection Removal Tool.

12:54:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

Here's a charming vignette from an Associated Press account of the trial of Palestinian terror figure Marwan Barghouti:

"There's a mistake here. The one who should be sitting here (as a defendant) is the government of Israel," Barghouti, wearing a dark brown prison uniform, told the three-judge panel in fluent Hebrew. "You have no right to try me."

Barghouti, who has grown a dark beard in five months of detention, also said he was a fighter for peace.

When Presiding Judge Sarah Zerota commented that "fighters for peace don't plant bombs," Barghouti responded: "I don't want to get into that."


11:46:10 AM  Item-level permalink    

Attn! PCs No Salve for Disorder. School kids with attention deficit disorder could be perfectly suited for today's hyperkinetic work environment. But not all educators think parking students in front of PCs is the answer. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
11:20:09 AM  Item-level permalink    

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