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Day level permalink September 26, 2002

A new round of attacks by online criminals is being directed at online payments service PayPal this week, including e-mails that inform account holders they need to re-enter their credit card data because "we had some trouble with one of our computer systems." [ ]
1:18:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bob Wallace, Software Pioneer, Dies at 53. Bob Wallace developed an early version of the Pascal programming language and helped to invent "shareware" software marketing with PC-WRITE. By John Markoff. [New York Times: Technology]

10:50:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

Grim find after Ivory Coast fighting
BBC - The death toll in the Ivory Coast rebellion has jumped after the discovery of more than 100 bodies in the town of Bouake, seized by mutinous troops last week.
8:24:42 AM  Item-level permalink    

Six Palestinian youth wounded, 11 arrested by the Israeli forces
Arabic News - The Israeli army yesterday bombarded by dynamite in Hebron ( to the south of the West Bank) three houses for Palestinians accused to have had taken part in acts against Israel.
8:23:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

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