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Day level permalink September 13, 2002

Ramzi Binalshibh, believed to be a planner of Sept. 11 attacks and alleged "20th hijacker" captured in Pakistan.  "cnn"
Binalshibh was a member of a Hamburg-based cell led by Mohammed Atta, the Egyptian-born suspected lead Sept. 11 hijacker

6:08:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Previously reported that David Battistuzzi was described as a Palestinian activist and former Concordia student who said that there is no "There's no free speech for hate speech".  Well it seems that David is a serial Protester, a Socialist, and an Anarchist.  PunditTree has found some of the details on this guy.

You don't have to look far... a simple google search brings up this posting from him on an International Socialists website:

David Battistuzzi - 10/25/98 05:28:40
Greetings from Canada comrades! words of encouragement, the people are moving, the ideas are spreading. Keep up the fight!

Comrades?  Oh well maybe there is no room for free speech for people who prefer revolution instead of reform.

5:12:51 PM  Item-level permalink    

Officials close an 80-mile section of Florida's I-75 and impose a no-fly zone in the area. Suspects are held following a terror alert. [ USAToday ]

UPDATE: It was all a "hoax".

2:14:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft is investigating a security flaw in Word.
It says the vulnerability could allow malicious parties to steal files by bugging a document with a hidden code.
The firm is exploring how to fix the problem and whether to extend the repair to an older version of the software still used by millions. [ ]

Woody Leonhard, editor of Woody's Office Watch and an author of several books for Windows users, highlighted the problem in his e-mail newsletter. 

6:06:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

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