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Day level permalink September 2, 2002

tfreport writes on Slashdot that: "The Drudge Report is reporting that The Two Towers has already began to be file swapped online. This is four months before the movie is set to debut! An executive in New York promised if this is indeed part of the film that they would be punishing anyone and everyone that downloads the film or distributes it to the full extent of the law."
9:05:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel accused Syria yesterday of allowing up to 200 militants linked to Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda network to settle in southern Lebanon. "telegraph"
8:40:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

The season's top sleeper hit, My Big Fat Greek Wedding had its best weekend yet in five months of release, climbing to second place with $14.6 million from Friday to Monday.  "cnn"

I really liked this movie, and I am not the only one who noticed that it is a remake of "Fiddler on the Roof".

8:29:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

As some in the Bush administration press the case for a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, weapons experts say there is mounting evidence that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has amassed large stocks of chemical and biological weapons he is hiding from a possible U.S. military attack.
Washington's concern is that Iraq could supply those weapons to terrorist groups, although U.S. officials say that there is no evidence that has happened so far.
"If we wait for the danger to become clear, it could be too late," said Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Delaware, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.  "cnn"
8:20:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Four unarmed Palestinian men were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers near Hebron early Sunday, bringing to 14 the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces over the last four days.
The Israeli military described Sunday's killing of four Palestinian laborers as an ambush of would-be terrorists. But a brother of one of the slain men called the incident an execution. "sfgate"
8:18:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

China appears to have blocked leading search engine Google, sparking speculation of a crackdown on Internet content viewed as subversive ahead of a Communist Party congress in November.
The U.S.-based Web site, which has become popular among Internet surfers in China because of its simplicity and ability to run thorough Chinese-language Web searches, was inaccessible via Chinese servers as early as Saturday, users said.
"It's being blocked out of Beijing," said one industry insider, who follows China's regulation of the Internet closely and used his computer to confirm and pinpoint the block. "cnet"
8:14:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

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