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Day level permalink September 5, 2002

Windows flaw enables credit card fraud. Microsoft says a security flaw in a component that certifies the authenticity of a Web site or of software code could leave user passwords and credit card numbers open to theft. [CNET]
3:46:35 PM  Item-level permalink    

A loss in a legal tussle over patents could force EBay to hand over millions of dollars in royalties--and even change its auction format.

Ebay says this could cause them to lose a significant amount of business.

At the heart of the case is patent paperwork Woolston filed less than five months before eBay founder Pierre Omidyar spent Labor Day weekend of 1995 creating the first iteration of his auction site. Today, eBay is one of the most successful online businesses, with nearly $750 million in revenue last year and continued profitability.  "cnet"

10:49:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

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