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Day level permalink September 9, 2002

A tape purportedly of Osama bin Laden praises the al Qaeda hijackers for changing "the face of history" when they flew airliners into the World Trade Center and Pentagon last year.
"There aren't enough words to describe how great these men were and how great their deeds were," bin Laden said in an audiotape message played Monday by the Qatar-based, Arabic-language television news network Al-Jazeera. "cnn"
9:42:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ag Device Zaps Weeds on the Spot. Unwanted plants taking root among cash crops could soon find the irrigated soil of farmland furrows less than hospitable. The threat? A 16-eyed weed whacker. By Louise Knapp. [Wired News]
10:12:28 AM  Item-level permalink Domain Thief Struck Again. A federal appeals court denies an appeal to toss out a $65-million judgment against Stephen Michael Cohen, the man charged with stealing the valuable domain name. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
10:07:08 AM  Item-level permalink    

Yasser Arafat told the Palestinian legislature Monday he condemns "every act of terror against Israeli civilians" and is willing to give up executive powers if asked.

No one is really sure how he defines acts of terror.  He could think that suicide bombing is actually an act of self defence. 

9:59:19 AM  Item-level permalink    

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