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Day level permalink September 29, 2002

Sydney Morning Herald - Israel yesterday bowed to United States pressure to end its 10-day siege of the West Bank compound of the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, and began withdrawing tanks and troops.

2:03:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

CNN - Police detectives in the Chandra Levy murder case are focusing on a suspect initially discounted after he passed a polygraph test investigators now believe was flawed, the Washington Post reported Sunday.

2:00:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Bell Labs fires researcher after committee finds 'fraudulent work'
Ananova - A star researcher in electronics at Bell Labs has been fired after an outside review committee found he falsified experimental data.
1:55:06 PM  Item-level permalink    

The National Post reports that Nova Scotia's governing Conservative Party has a new solution to illiteracy: "a plan under which high schools would issue two types of diplomas. Regular graduates would get a regular diploma. But 'graduates' who fail their literacy tests would get an 'adjusted diploma' that notes their deficiency." Will the illiterates' diplomas have pictures instead of words? "opinionjournal"
1:51:05 PM  Item-level permalink    

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