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Day level permalink September 4, 2002

Several Western democracies have become "predators of digital freedoms," using the fight against terrorism to increase surveillance on the Internet, an international media-rights group said Thursday.

Reporters Without Borders criticized not only authoritarian states such as China that tightly police Internet use, but also Western governments — including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Denmark — and the European Parliament.

"A year after the tragic events in New York and Washington, the Internet can be included on the list of 'collateral damage,'" the Paris-based group said in a report. "Cyber-liberty has been undermined and fundamental digital freedoms have been amputated." [ Yahoo Headlines ]

9:02:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Teenage girls who have close relationships with their mothers wait longer to have sex for the first time, researchers reported Wednesday.
Their findings also indicate girls are less likely to have sex when their moms strongly disapprove, confirming that mothers have a significant influence over their daughters' behavior. [ Access Atlanta ]

The study didn't look into what influence the father might have had on his daughters.  It looks to me like fathers where completely ignored by this study.

9:00:31 PM  Item-level permalink    

Deportation of two Palestinians to Gaza Strip completed; Senior Hamas member nabbed.

Two relatives of a Palestinian who planned a suicide bombing attack in Israel, entered the Gaza Strip through the Netzarim junction Wednesday afternoon. They were previously expected to arrive in the Erez crossing after being deported from their homes in the West Bank to the Gaza Strip.
The Erez crossing was declared a closed military zone. Soldiers covered the area surrounding the site where the deportation was to take place with canvas, apparently in an attempt to prevent press coverage of the expulsion.
The two were given 1,000 shekels ($212) by Israel as an "adjustment grant," as well a change of clothing. "Albawaba"

8:54:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft unveils Windows Media 9  The software giant reveals its long-awaited digital media software in an effort to establish dominance for its operating system in distributing high-quality digital content. "cnet"
8:49:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

The FBI has decided to investigate the July 4 shooting at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport as an act of terrorism.

It seems so very obvious, especially the timing of the attack, the location, and the nationality of the assailant.  I suppose you need to eliminate the possibility that he just didn't get the seat he wanted.

Hesham Muhammad Ali Hadayet, an Egyptian, opened fire at the LAX EL AL counter before being gunned down by an El Al security guard. [ Jerusalem Post ]

12:00:54 PM  Item-level permalink    

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