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Day level permalink September 27, 2002

Saying it much better that I ever could John Dvorak at PCMAG explains that the music companies need to take heed about the price of music CDs.

The music industry began to act like a monopolist. With the advent of the CD, it found that it could continue to gouge its customers. While the industry lectures the public on illegal copying, it gets busted for price fixing. So much for the morality argument.

7:00:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

It seems that every time chipmakers improve the clock speed and performance of microprocessors, analysts say those new chips pack more power than the typical user needs. In their view, two- or three-year-old computers can run office productivity applications and can access the Web as rapidly as a user's Internet connection permits. On the other hand, some popular computer activities like CD burning and video editing tend to get bogged down on older machines.  [ NEWSFACTOR ]
11:01:56 AM  Item-level permalink    

Online Trove of Property Data Is Raising Concerns in Nassau. A new Web site displaying color photographs, market values and other property data for every home and business in Nassau County is proving to be extremely popular and equally unpopular. By Bruce Lambert. [New York Times: Technology]
9:16:30 AM  Item-level permalink    

Official: Hamas target survives Israeli attack
CNN - A member of Israel's security cabinet said Friday the target of a deadly missile strike near Gaza City a day earlier survived the attack, according to Israeli Army Radio.
9:02:27 AM  Item-level permalink    

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