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Day level permalink August 7, 2002

From the Instapundit: CHARLES JOHNSON has found something really disturbing. It's a website featuring a chatboard for Islamic youth where they talk about murdering and decapitating jews, complete with supporting Koranic authority. Some are in America, and Canada. Excerpt:

hmmmmm has anyone here seen rushthroat?? where the mujahideen get a knife stab it into a jews throat and rips da head off and the jewz making all these sick


i'm gonna try this on some jew right now LOL


UPDATE: Just saw that James Lileks has written about this too. His piece is long, sensitive, and moving, everything that my post isn't. Go read it.

12:14:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

U.S. Defies Judge on Enemy Combatant ( The Justice Department yesterday defied a federal judge's order to provide him with documents that would have supported the government's classification of a man captured in Afghanistan and being held in a Navy brig in Norfolk as an "enemy combatant." [Daypop Top News Stories]
10:42:57 AM  Item-level permalink    

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