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Day level permalink August 13, 2002

"no priest against whom a credible allegation of sexual abuse against a minor has been made may hold any assignment whatsoever." -Cardinal Law

That is what we all wanted to hear, finally!

3:59:07 PM  Item-level permalink    

FBI's Web sites plunge into darkness. A misconfiguration in the bureau's domain name setup means that many visitors to cannot get through Tuesday morning. [CNET]
1:34:58 PM  Item-level permalink    

Dell bulks up low-end PC. The computer maker is offering a new consumer machine with Intel's 1.7GHz Celeron chip for $629--$20 cheaper than the PC it replaces. [CNET]

The interesting part is the charges for delivery.  When I bought my Dell two years ago it was $150 to deliver it.  Not a really big deal on a three thousand dollar computer but I suspect a really big deal on a $700 computer.

10:25:19 AM  Item-level permalink    

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