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Day level permalink August 6, 2002

The Jerusalem Post reports that while the U.N. General Assembly was debating its latest ritual denunciation of Israel, "Libyan Ambassador Abuzed Dorda used the podium to praise suicide bombers. 'Those they call terrorists,' he said, 'will be immortalized in history.' " "opinionjournal"

That would of course include Abdullah Daoud, a senior Palestinian militant expelled by Israel and granted temporary shelter in Cyprus, who is now  causing trouble for authorities.  It is being reported that the Cyprus government  wants him to leave the island as soon as possible.  [ ]

This is the same Abdullah Daoud, who was Yasser Arafat's intelligence chief in Bethlehem who is quoted as saying: "Our new countries should have no fears. We are normal, civilised people."

"We will respect the law in each of those states. They are democracies which respect human rights. Why would we have anything against them?" he told Britain's Guardian newspaper in mid-May when he was first exiled. 

6:44:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

At Cisco, Profit and Stock Buyback. Networking giant Cisco Systems posted higher quarterly earnings due to cost cuts and said it more than doubled its stock buyback program to $8 billion. By Reuters. [New York Times: Technology]
6:24:37 PM  Item-level permalink    

A booksellers association is protesting the Amazon's move into Canada, saying the new Web site violates regulations that prohibit foreign ownership. [CNET]

The Canadian Booksellers Association is now taking this to the Canadian Federal Court and asking for a judicial review.  They have already lost at the Department of Canadian Heritage who already decided that isn't breaking any rules.

1:31:02 PM  Item-level permalink    

Taboo Surfing: Click Here for Iran. For those who have access, the Internet is wildly liberating. By Nazila Fathi. [New York Times: Technology]
8:09:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

Credit Union Says A.T.M. Users Stole Millions After 9/11. Fifteen million dollars was looted from the Municipal Credit Union in New York City by its own members in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, prosecutors said on Monday. By Susan Saulny. [New York Times: Technology]
8:01:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

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