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Day level permalink August 23, 2002

Wired News: Judge Tosses BT Hyperlink Case. McMahon had expressed doubts over the case's validity as the suit progressed, but on Thursday she decisively dismissed BT's claims in a summary judgment that is both technically astute and leaves no question about the judge's opinion on the worth of BT's case. [Tomalak's Realm]

British Telecom says they hold the patent on every hyperlink on the internet,

Judge basically asks: "Are you drunk?"

12:48:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

"Verb: It's what you do." That's the slogan the Bush administration thinks is going to inspire "tweens"—kids between 9 and 13—to get off their duffs and get active. To that end, the administration has pledged $190 million to an ad campaign that's supposed to lead the charge in reducing childhood obesity.

SLATE: Why the Bush administration's anti-obesity campaign is doomed.

It is about teaching personal responsibility, just like "Just Say NO!" was.  OK maybe it is personal blame, but that is the same thing, right?

8:42:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

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