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Day level permalink August 10, 2002

Palestinians reject Sharon's charges that they are against peace. (StarTribune: Nation/World) JERUSALEM -- On the eve of the Palestinian security minister's talks with the CIA director, a Palestinian official said Friday that his side was "exerting every possible effort" to achieve peace. [Palestine & Israel News]  and yet Hamas refuses to call off suicide bombing. (UPI: International) Islamic Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Saturday announced that his movement refuses to offer any initiative to stop suicide bombing attacks into Israel. Yassin made the announcement after he met at his house in Gaza for the first time with Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Every possible effort to achive peace might mean wiping out all israelis and then of course what you have left is peace.

1:44:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Microsoft and Free Software at the Same Show? It's True. Microsoft's arrival at the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo is evidence that the freely shared software movement is not going away as a threat to the traditional for-profit software industry. By John Markoff. [New York Times: Technology]
9:06:46 AM  Item-level permalink    

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