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Day level permalink August 28, 2002

Canada preps Internet snoopers charter.

The Canadian Government has published proposals to increase law enforcement powers to monitor the country's citizens online.

A consultation document published last weekend by the Canadian Department of Justice contains proposals that would compel ISPs to hand over the names and addresses of customers to the police on request, curtailing rights to remain anonymous online. 

[The Register]

11:44:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

What VHS couldn't do, digital did. Sony's Betamax video tape recorder, which famously lost the 1980s video format war but held on for decades as a niche product, will finally be laid to rest after digital formats delivered a death blow to its prospects. [ CNET ]
8:10:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

A comedian scheduled to open for Jewish comic Jackie Mason was told hours before the show he couldn't perform because he is Palestinian, Mason's manager said.

Ray Hanania was supposed to open for Mason on Tuesday night at Zanie's comedy club in Chicago, but the club phoned him a few hours before to tell him his act was canceled.

Hanania, a Vietnam War veteran and former reporter, said he believes the decision should be based on how funny and entertaining he is. He said that if the decision was simply that he is a "lousy comedian," then he would be satisfied. [ Atlanta Journal Constitution ]

7:58:09 AM  Item-level permalink    

2 men thought dead since 9/11 found alive
Both are in local area hospitals.
[ Baltimore Sun ]
7:50:29 AM  Item-level permalink    

Windows XP Update Is Set as a Part of U.S. Deal. Microsoft said Tuesday that it planned to distribute its first major update to the Windows XP operating system some time in the next 10 days. By John Markoff. [New York Times: Technology]
7:44:41 AM  Item-level permalink    

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