Sunday, October 13, 2002
DUX 2003 CFP
The Call for Participation (CFP) for the Designing for User Experiences (DUX) 2003 conference is up.
11:11:13 AM
Glass immersion
What a wonderful month this is for fans of Philip Glass:
- The release of Naqoyqatsi, third film in the trilogy (see the trailer here);
- The relase of the soundtrack for Naqoyqatsi, including a solo by Yo-Yo Ma;
- The release of DVD editions of both Koyaanisqatsi and Powaqqatsi;
- The appearance of the Philip Glass Ensemble playing live to a screening of Koyaanisqatsi tonight at San Francisco's Davies Symphony Hall;
- The bonus appearance of PGE playing live to screenings of several short films, tomorrow night also at Davies.
Yes, I now have the CD, the DVDs, and I'll be at both concerts at Davies. Naqoyqatsi starts playing at a theater in SF later this month; I sure hope it comes to San Jose or Santa Cruz!
10:59:20 AM
21st Century Gerrymandering
In a redrawing of Congressional districts worthy of the namesake, I am now nearly the furthest-south resident in the 14th Congressional district. As of the new Congress of January 2003, I will share the Congressperson also representing much of Silicon Valley (San Mateo, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, and such), currently the Hon. Anna Eshoo.
Now, I'd read somewhere months ago about the redistricting, but it didn't register until, looking through the sample ballot for next month's election, I realized that I couldn't vote for (or against) the Hon. Sam Farr (D., 17th District). Sam's been on the right side of many issues, and I've been trying to persuade him where he's wrong: on copyright protection technologies and techniques such as proposed by his buddy Howard Berman. So now I'll have to step up those efforts, as Sam ceases to be my representative on January 1!
10:50:56 AM
Gillmor blogs Gillmor
Dan Gillmor, writing in the San Jose Mercury News, points to his brother Steve's InfoWorld column publishing a reader's cogent letter on patents, copyrights, digital restrictions management, and the public domain: Fighting the DRM Police [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]. Now, if the letter's writer, David H. Lynch, Jr., linked back to Dan's piece, the circle would be complete. I won't bother to include all the links here. But I will print out the column and send it to my Congresspeople.
10:39:04 AM
Life imitates art
If this was in a movie, you'd laugh: Reportedly, an businessman visiting a resort hotel ordered up a prostitute. When his daughter appears at the door, he has a heart attack. Subsequently, the wife/mother demands a divorce. Whereabouts of girl unknown.
Wait a minute--didn't Peter Boyle star in one (or two?) movies just like this in the '70s? Joe meets Hardcore, without the violence?
10:29:35 AM
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