Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Tara talks about the California governor's race. . .
Oops, sorry, she's talking about her opponent in North Carolina:
Howard has almost a million dollars in his campaign fund. Mr. McDonald, Coble's Chief of Staff says the large war chest is to intimidate prospective candidates. . . Politicians turn the election process into a tawdry, narcissistic manipulation of media to keep their jobs. If Mr. Coble had spent the last several years serving well, why would he need a huge war chest? Wouldn't his record of public service be enough?
[Tara Sue's Weblog News]
3:10:11 PM
The story of my life:
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
Douglas Adams. [Quotes of the Day]
8:58:33 AM
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