Thursday, May 6, 2004
The OK/Cancel guys went to different CHI sessions than I did (except of course the opening plenary); here's their first report:
Post: CHI 2004 highlights.
CHI was awesome. I've finally recovered from jet lag, so it's time to
post. KC and I saw many things worth writing about, several of which we
will handle in detailed articles later. For now here a quick rundown
(in no particular order) of some interesting things I saw there:... [OK/Cancel]
5:41:45 PM
Blame it on jet lag, but there's really no excuse for my mangling of Lou Rosenfeld's
name in the last post. I'm really sorry, Lou, I know better. I
made the correction, but of course the original boo-boo is what the
search-engines picked up. I must need an editor.
5:35:08 PM
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