Saturday, May 29, 2004
You do what?.
When you can't explain to others what it is you do for a living, and it
boils down to what you do for a living is explain things, you're in big
trouble. [Usable Help]
Which helps explain why my personal business card still says I'm a
technical writer. Most people have some idea about what that means,
even if it doesn't encompass every aspect of what I can do. I use the
resume to expand on the concept, to list some of the variants of my
professional persona. And if a job description calls for something like
"information architect," well, I can tweak the resume to fit.
To people who still say "Huh?" to the technical writer title, I explain
it thusly: "You know the books that come with the software you buy, the
books that no one reads? Well, I write those."
5:54:55 PM
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