Sunday, May 16, 2004
Squiggy is now a Mariners scout.
David Lander, who played Squiggy on Laverne and Shirley, is now a talent-scout for the Seattle Mariners.
[Boing Boing]
Thereby demonstrating that there is hope for radical career changes.
Not that Lander is making a lot of money scouting, but in the spirit of
"do what you love," he's having a rewarding life while living with a
disabling disease.
Coincidentally, the story reveals that Lander was in Baltimore,
speaking at an MS convention, and attending the Orioles/Indians games,
last weekend while I was there for the STC conference. The Orioles'
stadium is virtually across the street from the Marriott hotel I stayed
in, and within spitting distance of the conference center. Which means
nothing except to demonstrate once again that we humans seek
connection, and thereby meaning, in everything we encounter.
11:18:42 AM
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