Monday, May 31, 2004
George Lakoff is an author I keep intending to read, in part due to my
fascination with linguistics, in part because he seems to be very
articulate at describing larger issues. This interview is a good
introduction to his work:
UC Berkeley professor George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics. [Scripting News]
I've noticed that "framing" of a discussion does not just occur in the
political arena: it happens in the world of business, in
employer/employee relationships, in interpersonal relationships. I've
watched it at work when trying to communicate with my ex. Which helps
explain why we don't communicate at all -- our understanding of the
issues at hand simply doesn't intersect, as I don't accept her framing
or ideology. I think it's also at work when technical communicators gag at what comes out of marketing.
5:14:08 PM
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