Friday, May 21, 2004
After months of working on other websites, and paying more attention to
web usability, I suddenly realized that my own site was pretty
miserable. So I did a simple table-based redesign, threw together a
style sheet, and reposted last night. It's really just a front-end for
my online resume, but I like the new look. Lemme know what you think: www.fredsampson.com. Next:up -- rewriting the resume so it gets the results I want (not queries for PeopleSoft implementations or Chinese help systems!).
9:35:59 PM
Steve Silberman's reading list for Allen Ginsberg's Beat Generation course. Boing Boing buddy Steve Silberman
sez: "In 1977, poet Allen Ginsberg taught a course called "The Literary
History of the Beat Generation" at Naropa Institute in Boulder,
Colorado. I was in the course, and a couple of friends of mine and I
just turned the suggested reading list into a gateway to the texts
themselves. If you ever wished that your English-lit teacher had been
the author of "Howl"..." Link
[Boing Boing]
Wow, what a list! All my favorite poets, and then some. I was first
introduced to the Beats by a term paper assignment in a high school
English class. I went on to study American poetry in college (which
might help explain the tortuous course of my career. . .). These folks
occupy most of the three shelves of poetry here in my office. Eliot,
Pound, Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Snyder, and others. Thanks to Steve and
friends for providing this marvelous resource!
Yes, I did wish my English-lit teacher had been the author of Howl.
11:13:30 AM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:21:15 PM.
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