Monday, May 24, 2004
From the "Don't trust anyone over thirty" department:
Outsourcing and Age. Slashdot: Age Discrimination, Indian-Style. . . In May, IBM closes on its $150-$200MM purchase of Indian outsourcer
Daksh, whose age requirements for job applicants make Logan's Run seem
progressive. On its Opportunities page, Daksh states that Customer Care
Specialists should be between 21-25 years of age and Team Leaders
should be no older than 27. ... [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
As Slashdot commentators already
pointed out, it's not that twenty-somethings are smarter or better
workers; it's that they're more willing to work long hours without
overtime, demand lower wages and benefits, and are less likely to have
started families and acquired mortgages. Unlike us wise, experienced,
expensive old farts. Still, there's something about taking advantage of
countries without age-discrimination laws that just ain't right.
10:09:06 AM
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