Sunday, June 20, 2004
First, happy Father's Day to all you dads out there.
I decided to have a guys' lunch out for Father's Day: me, my Dad, and
my two boys. I was surprised to find we only waited about five minutes
to get a table at my favorite Mexican restaurant. I'll bet it was an
hour's wait on Mother's Day.
Then I took my boys to see Garfield,
the movie. They're both Garfield fans. The young one enjoyed it, the
teenager found a lot to dislike. High point: Bill Murray as Garfield's
voice; the low point: not only was John not a complete loser, not only does he get Liz in the end, she asks him out! Now that's taking a little too much poetic license.
Also noted that our local cineplex is selling advance tickets, ten days in advance, for Spider-Man 2, including a midnight showing the day it opens (12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/30).
6:48:18 PM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:22:01 PM.
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