Monday, June 21, 2004
The New York Times questions whether Silicon Valley is experiencing premature irrational exuberance:
It's not boom times again, but here are some data points: a year ago,
the STC Silicon Valley website listed two or three jobs for technical
writers. Today, there are 44 openings listed.
9:38:10 PM
An Introduction to Information Architecture.
"Information architecture (or IA) is the science -- some would insist
art -- of defining the structure, organization, navigation, labeling
and indexing of a Website. It is the role of the information architect
to decide how a site should be structured, what kind of content it
should host, and how to accommodate future growth. In short,
information architecture defines the backbone of a Website." (Subha
Subramanian - sitepoint) - courtesy of xblog [ InfoDesign: Understanding by Design]
Semantic Studios: User Experience Design.
When I broadened my interest from IA to UX, I found the need for a new
diagram to illustrate the facets of user experience - especially to
help clients understand why they must move beyond usability - and so
with a little help from my friends developed the user experience
honeycomb. [ Tomalak]
2:28:55 PM
SpaceShipOne made it to the 100km mark and back to earth this morning,
making it the first manned private commercial into space. Here's the AP story, and one from Space.com.
9:31:53 AM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:22:02 PM.
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