Tuesday, June 22, 2004
First Impression. "Suggesting workable solutions builds your reputation as a person of action, not a complainer."
-Deborah Rossouw , Managing Partner, Essential LifeSkills Company [Fast Company]
9:28:47 AM
Doc found some alternative views to those of George Lakoff:
If you're looking for some push-back on the political thinking of George Lakoff (with which I tend to agree), Stephen H. Karlson's Two Systems of Belief is a good place to start. . .
John Ray's Lakoff "Deconstructed"
hits a lot harder than Stehpen Karlson's piece, but, like Karlson, Ray
atttacks weaknesses in Lakoff's politics, but not in Lakoff's science.
. .
9:14:09 AM
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