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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Monday, 13 May 2002
JIRA 1.2 beta is now available for download! You can preview it at
11:24:38 PM  comment []   
Mastering content complexity - the content management market is only getting more and more complex.

"We're an information company, and CM has to be a core competency. It's our primary asset," Miller says. "We are beginning to outstrip the business and [management's] ability to come up with a new business model. It's a great place to be."

I wish my old employer could realise this - as a media network, content management is a critical success factor, not a cost center.

10:50:55 PM  comment []   
Plone is a Zope based CMS - why are good CMSes never J2EE based? [freshmeat]
10:39:48 PM  comment []   
Enterprise Object Broker 0.60 (Development) Good to see EOB making good progress. Having spent way too long thinking that EJB actually makes me productive, this is a pleasant breath of fresh air. [Joe's Jelly] []
10:30:36 PM  comment []   
Niki got on slashdot with his latest Beagle about 802.11 for the last mile - a follow up on last Friday's BreakfastForum in Sydney on the same topic. [Slashdot]
9:15:36 PM  comment []   
Charles Miller venting about XmlStorageSystem - sounds like there's some work to do
Stand back, I need to vent.
9:02:08 PM  comment []   
*cheer* Joe Walnes now has a weblog called Joe's Jelly. Maybe now I can convince the other OpenSymphony core developers to get blogs so I don't feel so lonely :)
8:58:18 PM  comment []   
It may be just my newbie-ness - but does Radio sometimes duplicate news (or bring back deleted news) in the Aggregator?
4:55:52 PM  comment []   
OSCore 1.1.1 is released - mainly just bug fixes. [OpenSymphony]
11:02:31 AM  comment []   
More amusing banner ads - this time with a J2EE spin (BEA / Oracle). [Patrick Logan]
10:15:33 AM  comment []   
The first Jaguar Screen Shots I've seen - everything looks fantastic (I'm not sure the license on taking screenshots - so these may not be up for long).

The one OSX 10.2 feature I'm really waiting for is SMB sharing of files and printers. It sucks to have to shell out $150 for Dave and then it doesn't work via Airport. [Rail Head Design]

9:51:48 AM  comment []   
Tomcat 4.0.4 has been released - from scanning the release notes it looks like there are only bug fixes and one major new feature - Coyote the new connector is included (but turned off by default).
9:33:55 AM  comment []   
Telling A Story (Jon Udell) - Managing a project via a blog is interesting concept but from a practical perspective I can't really see how it works. Project management with no calendar? No tasks? Seems that Jon is more talking about knowledge management to me.
12:34:56 AM  comment []   
New software releases - log4j 1.2 and Oracle 9iAS Release 2. [The ServerSide]
12:26:39 AM  comment []   

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