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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Tuesday, 14 May 2002
Think Different. Funny.
11:26:17 PM  comment []   
Alina and I have clones on the other side of the world. Sometimes the Internet is scary.
11:12:52 PM  comment []   
Native Quartz backend for GDK *drool*
11:11:05 PM  comment []   
Mike Walsh pontificates on PDA convergence:
"The latest craze for PDA and mobile phone convergence, has similar echoes to the chicken and egg conundrum of the PC and TV. Which is better, techno pundits ponder in between reruns of Star Trek - a souped up mobile phone with calendar, diary and web surfing functions? Or a WinCE or Palm device, with a SIM card and antenna?"

Personally I think that rather than the two categories (phone and PDA) converging into one, we'll actually see the confluence creating a new third category or hybrid. The same could be said for TVs and computers - both will always have a place, but there is a certain seductiveness in their joining. []

6:11:05 PM  comment []   
First we had Google-whacking, now we have Google poetry. net art : adwords happening is an interesting project to write poems as Google adwords and track the artistic impact of the poem by the reads / clickthrough rate.
6:06:40 PM  comment []   
Charles is the first person to blog something I'd said. No matter how mundane it was, there's a certain sense of achievement. I guess this is how it all gets addictive. Soon I'll seek fame for my humble blog on a chat show or something.
5:36:08 PM  comment []   
Cream of the crop. Apple has announced the winners of the Apple Design Awards. Watson won for Most Innovative Mac OS X Product. If you're on OS X and haven't tried it, you're really missing out. It's the future of consumer web services. I tried it and wasn't that amazed - perhaps it's not that useful outside the US? I'll try it again. [dive into mark]
12:58:17 PM  comment []   
Steve Outing: Publishing Systems Squash News Design.  [Scripting News]
10:55:18 AM  comment []   
Looks like JRun 4 final is out now - see thread on The Server Side. I hope I have better experiences with JIRA and JRun 4 than I did with the beta releases (which just refused to run it!).

Talking to the Macromedia guys in Sydney last month was very interesting. They have really given up on competing with the big 3 (BEA, Oracle, IBM), so JRun is basically being sold as an OEM embeddable server and as a host for ColdFusion MX.

I do hope that they release ColdFusion for other platforms than BEA and IBM, and that there is a way to connect Flash Remoting to pure J2EE applications (without CF). See mesh on MX for more on Macromedia stuff.

10:38:09 AM  comment []   
Looks like Microsoft in the US might drop the Xbox to $USD199 - which would make sense as it has already dropped the price to $399 in Australia.
3:20:26 AM  comment []   
An interesting piece about whether or not the spread of Wifi networks will in the end be self limiting.

"The Tragedy of Commons is stated succinctly thusly: shared resources, when they become popular, are unusable for their original purpose. "
1:55:49 AM  comment []   

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