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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Sunday, 2 June 2002
John Robb's Radio Weblog: "The Java / J2EE weblogs are heating up. Rebelutionary and Java Geek."
10:16:10 AM  comment []   
Oh yeah - I almost forgot. OSCore 1.2 and OSWorkflow 1.0 are released - both are awesome and largely due to Patrick's hard work.
1:57:09 AM  comment []   

That Ravi guy is a real dick. It was nice seeing such constructive criticism being taken so well during this whole Bashing the Cat episode, but then this guy had to go and be an ass about it. Oh well, I think the entire debate has been right on the money, and relates closely to my recent Is EJB Neccessary talk I have to the SDJUG, which Mike now has adapted in to his blog. Too many developers seem to just follow the hype and marketting without actually evaluating alternatives, whether it be a web container or a technology like EJB.

Ack (and amen)! I hadn't actually publicised the Is EJB Always Necessary? article yet - but it's linked now! Someone will post it to The ServerSide or Javalobby and this whole saga will start again ;) [PSquad's Corner]

1:53:28 AM  comment []   

"Someone found my blog while searching google for "hate george lucas". Funny stuff :)" Ahh memories. I remember the joy experienced weeks ago when people first found my blog searching for obscure terms. It's a sure sign that Pat's addicted too ;)

1:51:01 AM  comment []   
Scott (the Fuzzy one) has started an interesting business - They offer (as far as I can tell) domain name redirection services for bloggers - probably not a business that's going to make him a millionaire, but something that's quite valuable overall. I'm not sure I'd buy it - but I'm sure someone would ;) I always like people who give free licenses to Open Source products though (as they do, and we do).
1:44:27 AM  comment []   
Widescreen iMacs set for Q3 - report. Wow - if they brought out 19" iMacs I would certainly buy one - what a Java dev station that would be. [The Register]
1:37:17 AM  comment []   
The Google Programming Contest has ended - the winner had a geographical search algorithm which actually looks very cool - and scarily like something we had discussed as an entry over lunch one day. No entry, no chance! :) Also see Wired piece.
1:33:10 AM  comment []   
Java Geek: "It was just announced on the Intellij EAP (Early Access Program) newsgroups that the next EAP release will *require* 1.4. Based on past history, the next EAP release will be available in a week or so." Bah! Requiring 1.4 is the stupidest thing IntelliJ could do and the quickest way to piss off your users. For starters it will not run on OSX anymore, and I'll now need two JDKs on every machine I own (which is a complete pain in the ass).
1:25:35 AM  comment []   
Fascinating! Someone on The ServerSide mentioned that Macromedia has a comparison of JRun vs Tomcat performance. I see they have all the clients there that were used in testing. Does anyone want to deploy them on Orion and Resin to see the comparative results?
1:23:59 AM  comment []   
Shock horror - people talking on The ServerSide thread don't seem to hate me or my comments! I was expecting to be fully panned. I loved the comment about the Linux SMP kernel - it seems that the bad press it received resulted in a much improved product in the end. I hope the same can be said for Tomcat out of all this. I eagerly await 4.1 but in the mean time Orion and Resin will have to do. 
1:21:52 AM  comment []   

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