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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 20 June 2002
OK - so I spent the last two hours learning Swing (it's actually not that ugly!) and I've written my first IDEA plugin - the IDEA JNDI Browser Plugin. Basically it puts a nice JNDI browser right into your dev. environment - for any JNDI context anywhere in the world. Cool. Source included of course.
7:58:42 PM  comment []   

Italians axe cup hero: This is fucking appalling. The Italian coach of Perugia (look at his picture - lol) has sacked Ahn Jung-Hwan - basically for scoring the goal which knocked Italy out of the World Cup. Talk about sour grapes! Not only did he sack him, he then proceeded to insult him:

"Ahn will never play for Perugia again. What do you think I would do? That I would keep a player who ruined Italian football. He should have shown his talent while he was with us. He'll just have to go back to Korea and earn 100,000 lire (about $48) a month."

I hope Ahn gets a huge contract somewhere else - I'm sure he will.

5:35:05 PM  comment []   
Wow - the first screenshot of my first IDEA plugin - a JNDI browser. It should work on any JNDI tree, located anywhere! 
5:30:31 PM  comment []   

C-o-f-f-e-e. B-e-e-r?Hehehe. Touché! I can only base my comments on one person's comments. Is he representative of all aussies. Naw. But I'm sure he can speak for all of Perth! ;-) It's always the fools from Perth that cause us these image problems!

Trivia: Perth is the city of a million people farthest away from the next city of a million people in the world.

4:11:56 PM  comment []   

They mentioned that Java was weaker now than ever.

This sort of one sided view always amazes me - I can't think of a time over the past 4 years where Java as a whole was stronger than it is now. You want an enterprise web solution? You have two choices - J2EE or .NET - and from your Infoworld-article-stats J2EE has a ~60% market share there. Client side (GUI) Java may be weak - but server side Java is on fire.

And for the record - OSX is a the dream Java operating system. Good, fast VM built into the operating system, good L&F (native Aqua widgets). [pberry]

2:40:30 PM  comment []   

Coffee. Beer? Coffee. Beer?. Funny thing about people in Australia, they think Starbuck's is good coffee ;-) 

I'd actually say the funny thing about Americans is that they think Australian's think that Starbucks is good coffee. I've heard a stat before that Australia drinks more coffee per person than any other country on earth. The reason Starbucks took so long to open up Down Under is that the quality of restaurant coffee here is fantastic - especially compared to the sludge that American restaurants deal out.

Aussie: "I'll have a flat white?"
American Waitress: "You want a wha?"

Basically when all the Italian, Greek and German immigrants came to Australia in the 1950's (millions of them) they brought three good things. Espresso, wine and kebabs. [pberry: Radio Edition]

12:40:54 PM  comment []   
The Cofax Open Source project is taking off - yet another Open Source Java CMS. [paradox1x]
12:35:47 PM  comment []   
Wow - Java based XML pipelining sounds cool. James has all the details of different projects - Jelly, Jexl, CyberNecko and Sun's XML Pipeline stuff. [james strachan's musings]
12:33:57 PM  comment []   
Scott Johnson is undergoing the same sense of awe with his new iBook that I did. Rest assured Apple, you have done a good job with the iBook - I will certainly be phasing out my other PCs over time to convert them to OSX machine (as soon as I can afford to).
12:30:23 PM  comment []   

D2 on Groove's probabilities for success:

Groove stands to be uverrun by open protocols as Notes was. My 2cts as 10yr Notes vet.

Groove is cool but I have more fun with zope and the userland stuff. I can get in, poke around and generally hack at it easier than Groove and the source and protocols are 'way far open'. Despite the projected image, GROOVE IS NOT JAZZ. Zope and userland are. Yes that's from a developers perspective, not a user's. But without the dev talent, there will be no Jam session.

I have to say I agree completely. Groove is cool, no Groove is better than cool - it's very awesome. It's almost good enough to use - but it has a few fatal flaws for me:

  1. It only runs on Windows. Yes, I know this covers 95% of the world but whenever I get a group of > 5 people together odds are that one of them uses OSX or Linux.
  2. It only runs on DCOM. Groove will never be ported. Therefore I cannot develop for it an add all the cool tools I want. 

My $0.02 [The GrooveLog]

12:28:27 PM  comment []   
DotNetGuy Jeroen Frijters is implementing a Java VM that sits on top of .NET. He's started a blog about it. Good luck, Jeroen!  WAY COOL! [Sam Ruby]
12:19:35 PM  comment []   

Enterprise Java on Mac OS X covers how to set up Java components and take advantage of OS X as a Java development platform. This is interesting - it only really covers JBoss and Jetty on OS X. [Mac Net Journal]

12:15:01 PM  comment []   

Macromedia has put out a Pet Market Blueprint Application. It's their take on the J2EE PetStore application - but running on JRun (I assume) and FlashMX. Very, very sexy interface.

For all the details, see Mesh's roundup. I think he's got about all the information you could want there.

1:23:35 AM  comment []   

Stefano on avalon-dev about flame wars in the Open Source community. I actually personally believe a lot of Jakarta developers could learn from reading this. I've found recently that there are some good ones but as he said himself "the abrasive ones are those you notice first".

Some people on this list follow Jon Stevens's patterns: fight 'till the opponent surrenders (or leaves).

Let me tell you: Avalon is doomed if this attitude is kept. Sure, we are debating as some philosophical issues here and it's hard to remain perfectly neutral and dissipate the negative energy that develops, but at least, one should *be aware* that such negative energy (sarcasm, personal attacks and so on) DO NOT make a community stronger, nor development better.

Some believe that this razor sharp attitude makes the community sharper on technical details... My experience tells me the exact opposite: it scares possible new contributors away.

[via Be Blogging]

12:34:25 AM  comment []   

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