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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 6 June 2002

A quick note for anyone writing documentation, or filling in default values in the configuration file for an application.

The domains, and are reserved for use in documentation. Thus, if you use in your default configuration file, you can be guaranteed that the address will never exist, and thus there will never be a "Bob" who is annoyed at your stupid choice of example domain names. [Charles Miller]

Very interesting! died checking for - Network Solutions shows that it's registered to IANA until 2010.

6:18:59 PM  comment []   

The point I'm making is that OSUser seems to be the roadblock for OSWorkflow to support more app servers. OSUser will never support WebLogic 6.1, as their security API is a joke. WebLogic 7.0 is coming very soon though. I also need JRun 4, Resin EJB (or is Resin-CMP?), and WebSphere. I fear WebSphere, anyone got any experience with it?

Everyone fears WebSphere. I've tried to run it twice (albeit not in the last 6 months) and both times I gave up before I even got to the 'deploy application' stage.

To get WebSphere running I believe you need a small squadron of highly paid IBM consultants, and a battery of seriously large IBM hardware.

If you have that (and can handle the very old standards compliance!), I believe it's quite a nice server ;) [PSquad's Corner]

12:33:36 PM  comment []   

Patrick tells it all - good job JBoss guys!

Just spent some play time with JBoss 3.0.0 final. Wow, I must say, I'm very impressed. Not only did all my modules that worked in 2.4.4 deploy with no tweaks, the entire thing is FAST. Like... REALLY fast. Here are some VERY rough numbers when generating 1000 unique keys using an EJB-based sequence utility:

JBoss 2.4.4: ~600 keys/sec
JBoss 3.0.0: ~1300 keys/sec
Orion: ~1900 keys/sec
WebLogic 7: ~900 keys/sec

Now, these are very very very far from conclusive test results. They are running under no transaction context (I didn't post Pramati because it "cheats" and doesn't even save the changes, so it flies through the test). There has been no optimization, and the test is so simple it's stupid. But it does show the general coding quality and speed the developers of said products were able to do "out-of-the-box".

Anyway, I thought it was interesting at least. OSCore, OSUser, and OSWorkflow all run on JBoss 3.0.0 now too, which is great news! [PSquad's Corner]

12:30:57 PM  comment []   

I must say, the guys at TME were very cool, they could have reacted very differently. It's nice to see that cool people and a cool product both come from the same company! Here. Here. [PSquad's Corner]

12:29:21 PM  comment []   
Open Source Developed by Individuals, Not Large Groups
12:19:18 PM  comment []   

Quote of the day from Matthew Haughey (via mark):

"On the internet advertising business. In business, if you need money and don't have it, and you can't secure a loan from the bank, you call the mob for an emergency loan you'll soon regret. Apparently the internet advertising business works the same. When all else fails, advertise for online casinos."

12:14:14 PM  comment []   

Just in case you've been living under a rock recently:

mozillaZine: Mozilla 1.0. As the browser has become the main interface between users and the Web over the past several years, the goal of the Mozilla project is to innovate and enable the creation of standards-compliant technology to keep content on the Web open. Download Mozilla 1.0 for Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, OpenVMS, OS/2, or Tru64 Unix.

[dive into mark]
12:11:31 PM  comment []   

O'Reilly Network: Bringing the J2EE Cathedral to the Bazaar:

While Sun is quite diligently planning, coordinating, and building infrastructure for building cathedrals around J2EE, Microsoft's .NET is poised to steal the marketplace and own the bazaar, as they did with VB and the component market in the client-server wars. We have some parallels to go by. While CORBA focused on rearing thoroughbreds, COM stole the market with a mule called VB.

A good article - drawing some good parallels as to why J2EE isn't more popular. I always feel the same way, it should be more popular than it is. I think Sun's confused Open Source stance doesn't help at all - a lot of programmers out there choose PHP or Perl by default, because they are Open Source. The tool mentioned (Aspire) doesn't look very good as a solution though - pity.

12:10:13 PM  comment []   
O'Reilly Network: Installing Software with Jakarta Ant : Note, JIRA already does this! We've been using Ant to build distributables for 3 months now, and it seems to work well - haven't had one complaint.
12:03:55 PM  comment []   
Yahoo! and! SBC! cuddle! up!. People have been wondering for ages how long it would be until Yahoo! got into the access game. [The Register]
11:57:22 AM  comment []   

RabbleRouser: "RabbleRouser allows organizations to identify, prioritize, and vote on IT projects in their pipeline. The tool runs on the company's Intranet infrastructure and is a simple, yet powerful, application using all four dimensions of the Quovix approach. You can read more about the "Four Dimensions of Collaboration" here. "

Looks interesting. I'll have to try it out - it's Java based as well.

11:53:47 AM  comment []   
WebGain to exit tools, Oracle to buy TopLink - interesting! IDEA seems to be going strong though - perhaps it might only be hard to make money with bad tools?
12:51:02 AM  comment []   

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