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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Friday, 21 June 2002

Red Hat Content Management Solution. I read on a mailing list today that Red Hat has made the Java port of the Ars Digita content management system available on their site. I'll be looking at it closely over the next couple of weeks or so, I think.

OMG - this is damn cool. It seems Red Hat is doing the same thing to the Ars Digita content management system it did to PostgreSQL - rebranding it as one of it's own products and selling support around it.

Is this bad? I'm not sure how Red Hat Database is doing - but as long as they're contributing code back to PostgreSQL it's fine by me!

Similarly with the AD CMS stuff - I've always loved the AD system from an interface stand point, but I've never used it because it involves too many non-standard tools - like AOLServer and Oracle. If Red Hat continues the development of the J2EE AD Community System, and starts supporting generic Servlet Containers and any JDBC compliant database, I think it's fantastic!

Yet another reason why Red Hat is one of my favourite companies - and being profitable out of Open Source without being a bastard. []

4:21:16 PM  comment []   
Can semen cure the blues?. Semen is an anti-depressant for women? Definitely sounds like a male theory. I'm going to have do test his theory with my girlfriend I think - as soon as she finishes these damn exams []
11:50:12 AM  comment []   

Jakarta has released POI 1.5.1 and Tomcat 4.0.4.

alphaWorks has released MPEG-4 Video for the Java Media Framework.

And one from the what the? basket - JDistro Project seems to be trying to "desktop for the Java virtual machine". Check it out - trippy stuff. Bet it runs slowly without JVM-on-a-chip though. [via Cafe Au Lait]

10:05:11 AM  comment []   
David Jordan on JDO vs JDBC - interesting thoughts. I haven't looked at JDO much. I guess we'll all be 'forced' to move that way eventually because it's a Sun standard. Still, it does seem to have some smart people on the expert group (unlike some other JSRs ) so there is hope. [Blogging Roller]
3:00:23 AM  comment []   

It looks like ObjectBridge (OJB) has finally moved over to Jakarta. Hooray! OJB is a neat piece of software, I'm using it alot at the moment and I'm extremely happy with it. Supports ODMG, Soda and JDO APIs. Once its got some nice Torque-like auto-generation features it'll truly rock.[james strachan's musings]

Another persistence framework? Wow. OFBiz, Torque, JDO and now OJB. I wonder if anyone has done a comparison of them all. 

1:45:38 AM  comment []   

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