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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Wednesday, 5 June 2002

Licenses. "The APSL is not more restrictive than the BSD or MIT licenses."

As far as I know that's not true. Under the APSL you must distribute the source of your modifications, under BSD you don't have to (ie if you modify the source, make your own version and distribute it - you don't need to include the source). Pretty big difference IMHO. []

1:29:48 PM  comment []   
Boxes & Arrows: Opening Pandora's Box: Special Deliverable #1. The parallel processes of creation and documentation feed off each other. Through the documentation, we come to a better understanding of our own conception of the system. As we develop a clearer vision of the system through the documentation, we find ways to improve the system. [Tomalak's Realm]
1:27:11 PM  comment []   
Jonathan: How ironic is it that the government is busy sticking Carnivore boxes all over the place to they can evesdrop on every bit of information that crosses the internet, but they can't actually prove when one federal agency sent an email to another one? [Doc Searls Weblog]
1:25:22 PM  comment []   

Categories, Hierarchies and the GUI that is the browser. HTML GUIs always present challenges. [Java Geek]

1:21:11 PM  comment []   

If you read nothing else today, or this week, read Howard Rheingold's Reboot talk, which Cory just blogged at BoingBoing. And give a big thanks to both of them for bringing us back to first causes, first principles. [Doc Searls Weblog]

Definitely great stuff, read it:

Howard Rheingold, of Whole Earth, WELL, Electric Minds, Mindstorms, Virtual Reality and other kinds of fame, is talking now at Reboot, giving the morning keynote. He's doing a populist spiel: "The computer industry did not create the personal computer; it was created by people in their 20s who wanted a tool of their own. The Internet was created for the most part by people in their 20s, not the phone company. They didn't know what the tool was for, but they knew that other people would invent uses -- they built the Internet without a central control, to enable innovation." Damn, he's stealing my afternoon talk! "The Web was not created by VCs; it was created by thousands of people, because it was a cool thing to do: a public good.

1:18:46 PM  comment [] Technology | "It was just stupid":

"The venture capitalists hold the key. Since all their companies are coming public at a premium, they have a precious commodity, so they're courted, and they can ask for more outrageous terms than typical. The investment banks are anxious to move as much product as possible. They are always value-judgment neutral."

Classic stuff from everyone's favourite bald redhead (yes it does make sense) Jim Kramer.

1:10:38 PM  comment []   
Zoe has mailing lists. Interested in Zoe? Subscribe to the mailing lists on SourceForge. we have one for developers and one for discussions of general Zoe goodness, help, feature requests, and anything else you can think of. []
1:07:47 PM  comment []   

Britney's fans aren't little girls anymore:

"There are a lot of closet fans -- I'm just open about it," says Ashley, 16, still defending her decision to write pro-Spears articles, incurring the wrath of her colleagues. "Everyone in the newspaper class is against her. They don't like her."

Britney backlash? [forgot-source-sorry]

1:05:12 PM  comment []   
OS X 10.1.5 arrives. w00! AFAICT this means anti-aliased text in Office:x (using SR-1 released yesterday). [Mac Net Journal]
12:57:20 PM  comment []   
LookSmart fees backfire into lawsuit. The search service's change from flat-rate to per-click charges for small businesses sparks a lawsuit that alleges a breach of contract and violations of business codes. [CNET]
12:51:10 PM  comment []   
Glue 3.0 beta is out - support these guys, TME rocks. David beat me to it ;) []
12:48:33 PM  comment []   
Gartner: Poor IT asset management leads to waste: "HARDWARE, AS IT turns out, can be a lot like relationships: sometimes you don't know what you've got until it's gone." It always amazes me that highly paid analysts generally come up with the same things that any IT professional could tell you.
12:44:37 PM  comment []   
Microsoft seeks converts to .Net - seems that JUMP has been renamed JLCA (Java Language Conversion Assistant). I wonder if this new beta still only converts Java 1.1.8 source (which I'd suggest isn't really that useful for anyone).
12:41:29 PM  comment []   
Slashdot | Amazon.Heartbreak: "Daisey's book underscores something that ought to have been apparent for some time: Net companies are often corporate cults -- Gates, Jobs, Yang, Bezos -- revolving around eccentric, self-styled geeky gurus who profess to be changing the world and who have a genius for convincing the always-gullible media that they are. For all their arrogance and savvy, geeks and nerds seem to crave leaders to follow. At least Gates rewarded his with lots of successful stock. "
12:39:42 PM  comment []   
Java Handhelds - what's real, what's hype - bob michaud. I have played with the Sharp Zaurus and the IPAQ. But there are no real applications beyond tinker toys. I would like to hear this communities thoughts. What type of app are you working on currently or envision will finally take advantage of J2ME/J2SE on a wireless handheld.

For those who are doing this already, what have been the primary issues building and testing these applications?
12:31:08 PM  comment []   

A new Java blog on Java and J2EE Weblogs:

PARADOX1X - Karl Martino is a "plain spoken guy from Philly". Talks about Java on his blog a lot, he's the lead developer of Cofax - a large Open Source Java CMS project used to power Knight Rider newspaper sites.

11:27:16 AM  comment []   

XBox mark 2 (rumour) seems to be the same as the current XBox, just built with cheaper components.

11:26:12 AM  comment []   

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