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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 13 June 2002
Some stats about 130 million page views in a day, and over 430 million to date - wow.
6:37:18 PM  comment []   

Patrick says

Funny that Mike talks about naming... Jakarta has some crazy names, but OpenSymphony has the most boring names ever! I was thinking about coming up with some good ones, but I'm not that creative. :)

Point taken - caught out - OpenSymphony names are very boring. I suppose crazy does beat boring. 

I'll just be facetious and say "See something worth fixing?  Come join in the fun..."

5:56:39 PM  comment []   
On Aquafying Office. O[base ']Reilly interviews Ivor St. John Clarke, formerly the program manager in charge of guiding Office[base ']s transition to Aqua, in a story noted by Brent Simmons at [Mac Net Journal]
1:07:08 PM  comment []   

Charles posted a replacement Radio Aggregator that remembers when you've un-checked a story, and doesn't check it again. This hack will only be useful for people who have this preference turned on.

It's very useful! However I wish it remembered which stories you had unchecked when you hit the "Post" link too - that would be awesome. Thumbs up Charles, keep up the great work - we should grab a beer sometime

1:00:22 PM  comment []   

Rebelutionary: Betwixt, JexlMaven - they look like funky projects, but where the hell [do] people at Jakarta come up with these names?! I think we need a new Jakarta naming project, I propose calling it the Jakarta Universal Naming Kommittee (or JUNK) for short.

P.S.  Rebel: See something worth fixing?  Come join in the fun...

Should I join the naming committee? ;) [Sam Ruby]

12:51:42 PM  comment []   

developerWorks: Seven tricks that Web users don't know. About what developers assume non-technical web-users will know, but they really don't. [Charles Miller]

12:48:45 PM  comment []   

Rupert on religion, the Queen, Bill Gates, rivals, the Euro, succession and much more: "Over a three-hour lunch, where the News Corporation chairman nursed only a glass of water, picked at pepper-encrusted tuna and politely but firmly told the company butler not to bring the pear and chocolate pudding anywhere near him, he talked about everything from retirement and his relationship with God to "crazy" Ted Turner and the unsympathetic Bill Gates to the future of television, the British monarchy and the euro. "

Fascinating interview with Rupert Murdoch on Crikey - one of Australia's alternative news sites.

11:04:59 AM  comment []   
Added a link to James' blog to the Java and J2EE Weblogs list - we're up to 15 now!
10:21:38 AM  comment []   

Betwixt, JexlMaven - they look like funky projects, but where the hell to people at Jakarta come up with these names?! I think we need a new Jakarta naming project, I propose calling it the Jakarta Universal Naming Kommittee (or JUNK) for short.

+1 ;)

For those of you who don't understand my love/hate relationship with Jakarta it goes back a long way. A few of their projects are very good - Ant, log4j, Velocity, Lucene, ORO - but a hell of a lot of them are truly the Java equivalent of bloatware. (TIP: Look closely at how many of the good ones started at Jakarta)

Oh, and the persistent 'not-invented-here-so-I-better-rewrite-it-myself' just pisses off most of the other Open Source Java programmers I know. </rant>  [james strachan's musings]

10:15:43 AM  comment []   
Xbox hackers release media player.
10:09:32 AM  comment []   
SubAverage: "Some days he doesn't even put his pants on." hahahah [via Scripting News]
10:04:34 AM  comment []   

JGenerator. Have just heard that JGenerator is thinking of using Jexl. Cool! It sounds interesting, I must take a closer look. [james strachan's musings]

Looks good - but now it's at and doesn't look to be Open Source anymore - pity.

Still, I have told Macromedia that if they make a FlashMX backend that runs in any servlet container, for a reasonable price - I'll buy it. (Imagine JIRA with a FlashMX frontend - wow)

10:00:46 AM  comment []   

Innocent until proven guilty. We used to believe that. Now in the name of homeland security we are going to sell ourselves out. Ashcroft and Bush talk about upholding the Consitution while making the world safe, but it's all double-speak it seems. I don't know about you, but this sucks!

I have to say I agree completely. As a US citizen (yes, I live in Sydney - but have 3 passports) watching from across the Pacific I think that is downright stupid. The Bill of Rights is not something to be turned on and off as the situation suits. [pberry: Radio Edition]

9:52:13 AM  comment []   

Welcome Shawn Dahlen. to the Roller project! Shawn contributed Blogger API support and a bunch of cool ideas for building up Roller in the "community server" area.

I wonder you guys should hook up with Charles Miller's Open RCS project (it has a better name, but I forgot it - sorry Charles ;))? [Blogging Roller]

9:49:56 AM  comment []   

Intalio stops support for OpenEJB, OpenJMS, etc.. The Server Side is reporting that Intalio will stop support for all of its OSS projects, except for Castor. I'm not sure what this means, but it does not give me any warm fuzzies about Castor. But, the fact that a new release of Castor v0.9.3.19 is now available for download is somewhat reassuring. [Blogging Roller]

I don't use any of these - but it's always sad to see good OSS projects die. Is any of the code worth saving? Doesn't JBoss use OpenJMS?

9:47:47 AM  comment []   

More File Upload Improvements. There's a new update to the com.oreilly.servlet library available. This release polishes the pluggable renaming logic to provide the file name both before and after renaming. If you're using the renaming logic, you'll want this version. [ Weblog]

The license still sucks though. I recommend Jason Pell's LGPL'ed MultipartRequest.

9:45:38 AM  comment []   

A picture named LaScala72.jpgOK, no doubt about it. I need this [Adam Curry]

I agree - 42" plasma screen, surround sound and a DVD.

9:40:28 AM  comment []   
Google Toolbar for Mozilla.
9:37:10 AM  comment []   
Got a compatibility matrix set up at OpenSymphony. My goal is to have it 90% green by the month's end... and still have a life too! [PSquad's Corner]
9:30:48 AM  comment [] Arts & Entertainment | Holding out for a hero

Following the highly publicized defections of Nicolas Cage and Tim Burton, Warner Bros.' oft-delayed plan to restart their dormant Superman franchise is finally taking flight. In a desperate bid to pander to a younger demographic (i.e., indiscriminate teenagers with disposable incomes), W.B. muckety-mucks signed America's favorite nebbish, Jason Biggs, to don the Man of Steel's cape. This casting faux pas ignited such a storm of controversy among die-hard fanboys, a radical sect calling itself "S.O.S." ("Save Our Superman") even threatened to kidnap Biggs unless his part was recast with an actor whose claim to fame isn't having fucked a pie.

Jason Biggs in a remake of Superman? Moby in a remake of Dirty Harry? If it wasn't verifiable I'd think it was a joke.

9:28:06 AM  comment []   

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