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JIRA is Atlassian's J2EE bug tracking, issue tracking and project management package.


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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Wednesday, 19 June 2002

The War For Talent is Walsh on top form:

Many of the entrepreneurs I knew who ran high profile start-ups were absorbed into corporate ranks by acquiring behemoths, whom they once swore to demolish. Others set up small time consulting businesses, advising people to avoid the mistakes they made themselves. As for the vast ranks of sales, production, and marketing professionals, that once swelled the bright pastel offices of the New Economy - they just seemed to vanish into the ether. Some swapped industries, others took monthly contract positions for a fraction of what they were once paid per day, and rest swore to never again trade a hip job title, for unhip job security.

Maybe the dotcom mania was a collective delusion - a Woodstock of the spirit - but is Corporate Australia really that much safer? 

11:43:40 PM  comment []   

Start-up wants your help to fight spam. Wow - this is a really neat idea. It's basically a P2P spam filter. A free Outlook plugin (hopefully other mail clients will be added soon) that any user can click "This is spam" on a message. Then based on trust metrics, and how many users deem it spam - the message is marked as spam for all users of the system. P2P at it's best!

11:19:26 PM  comment []   
110 Stories testimony & photography - a moving tribute.
3:41:37 PM  comment []   
Intel shutting down Web hosting division.. I always thought that was a silly business for them to be in. But I guess no one wants to be doing web hosting these days. [evhead]
3:22:03 PM  comment []   

What We're Doing When We Blog - I couldn't put it better than Meg does:

When we talk about weblogs, we're talking about a way of organizing information, independent of its topic. What we write about does not define us as bloggers; it's how we write about it (frequently, ad nauseam, peppered with links).

3:06:42 PM  comment []   

Jahia is an "open source" J2EE CMS and portal package. However I personally object to them using the term open source - this is bad. What they really mean is that it's released under a developer source license (ie you get the source for free, but you have to pay a license fee if you want to deploy it).

This is the same licensing system used by Resin, Jive and of course JIRA - but none of those products confuse the issue by ever using the term open source.

(On a site note none of them have stolen the SourceForge icons either - see left hand column - further confusing potential users)

This licensing confusion is a real pity as Jahia itself seems like a good package (albeit a bit young and it only seems to be guaranteed to run well on Tomcat as far as I can see).

3:01:32 PM  comment []   

Open Source J2EE workflow products are heating up! There are now 4 production ready projects where 3 months ago there were none.

8:41:09 AM  comment []   

PDFGo 1.0.2 is a $449 paywarepure Java library that can parse and display PDF files. [Cafe Au Lait]

1:21:18 AM  comment []   

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