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Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian, Bug Tracking, JIRA and more...

  Thursday, 16 May 2002
JavaWorld Tip: See JAR run (making executable JARs) - by Shawn Silverman (qin).
6:56:57 PM  comment []   
Fun? Searching Google for "the" gives interesting results. Flash, Acrobat Reader, The White House and The Economist are all popular. [google weblog]
6:00:24 PM  comment []   
If you don't see them when they go on the site, you can always consult the Google logo archives.
5:56:34 PM  comment []   
Matrix Reloaded Trailer Online [Slashdot]
5:37:10 PM  comment []   
Tapping into the conscience of 200 conference attendees live. This is a truly cool and insightful hack, along with some great insight on the trends that emerged. Love it. [evhead]
5:11:08 PM  comment []   
There's an interesting article on The ServerSide about J2EE class loading architectures. For Orion or Oracle 9iAS Scott has also written a good piece on our knowledge base here.
2:33:48 PM  comment []   
Doc Searls on blogging from the O'Reilly Emerging Technologies conference.

"We're all hunter-gatherers with cell phones and the ability to beam ourselves here and there." Something like that. Not sure it made sense.

This sort of conference, filled with techno-stars and cutting edge discussion, is one thing which makes me want to move to SF.

11:42:08 AM  comment []   
Open source review would aid Windows security: Gartner. Aargh... Not the garlic [The Register]
11:36:50 AM  comment []   
Dell is now selling "Dude" merchandise.

"We set out with a goal of making Dell more approachable for consumers and the response has been awesome," said Kurt Kirsch, director of new business development for Dell's Consumer Group. "Consumers can't get enough of `Dude' so we've given them some stylish ways to express their enthusiasm." [Good Morning Silicon Valley]
9:59:18 AM  comment []   
Jez has started a blog using Radio to talk about Javanicus, Java and other general ramblings - cool! I'm slowly converting all my friends to my new religion ;)
12:55:38 AM  comment []   
IBM is trying to get other application server vendors to make plugins for Eclipse apparently. I'm not sure how much success they'll have, I think it is probably dependent largely on how well they can garner support for Eclipse, especially in their battle for mindshare with NetBeans.

Still, neither of them is even close to IDEA. Every serious J2EE or Java programmer I know now uses IDEA, and everybody I show it to changes rapidly. Hopefully the new IDEA Open API will see some cool plugins soon.

12:36:59 AM  comment []   
Operating systems need to evolve from performing traditional file management and I/O tasks to learning and accommodating user behaviors, a Microsoft executive said Tuesday during a keynote presentation at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference

This is from the company that brough you Clippy and the Start menu. I'm not sure I really want my Microsoft OS learning for me. (from Microsoft exec touts OS evolution)

12:29:51 AM  comment []   
New version of REXML is out. Remember your face when you first switched from W3C DOM to JDOM? Then again when you switched to Electric XML?

If you have the luxury of developing applications in Ruby then have a gander at REXML. Inspired by the simplicity of Electric XML, but enhanced by Ruby's clean language features it's the simplest way to manipulate XML I've come across. Now it has full XPath support and the option of using DOM-like manipulation, SAX-like events or Pull to access elements.

I have to say that Electric XML is truly a marvelous parser. Having used everything out there (and I mean all of them) I was a JDOM fan for a long time until I met EXML (thanks to Victor the technology introductionist). While we're praising TME, if you're doing anything with SOAP and Java or J2EE, you really can't beat Glue. [Joe's Jelly]

12:24:00 AM  comment []   
PS2 and XBox are now $US199 each. Microsoft says it still expects to sell 3.5-4 million Xbox units by the end of June, which suggests the cut is more defensive than aggressive. [The Register]
12:17:13 AM  comment []   

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