Monday, August 08, 2005

John Robinson and John Nagy address questions about yesterday's article by Margaret Banks on fundraising for the Civil Rights museum. This one seems pretty straightforward to me. The museum and its finances are obviously big stories, and the involvement of A&T rightly pushes the non-profit's affairs even more into public view.

Withholding relevant information in order to favor projects and individuals, no matter how well-intentioned, would lead to disaster for a newspaper. There are exceptions to be made, for example when security is at stake, but this wasn't such a case....although others are less sure of that.

5:33:27 PM   permalink   comment []

Three Chords and the Truth: An Evening of Grassroots Music to Benefit the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Thursday, September 1, 7pm. New Garden Friends Meeting, 801 New Garden Road, Greensboro.

Tickets ($25 for adults and $15 for students) are on sale now at the Truth & Rec Commission office, the Green Bean, Kut Kreations, and BB’s New & Used CDs/DVDs.

On the bill: folk singer and activist Si Kahn Laurelyn Dossett of Polecat Creek, Riley Baugus, Scott Pryor and poet Amaris Howard of The Collective.

5:22:07 PM   permalink   comment []

Correct me if I'm wrong...but I think Leonard Imports is the first local blog advertiser in Greensboro history (see ad at right).

5:08:40 PM   permalink   comment []

LaChanze, who lost her husband Calvin on 9/11, less than two months before she gave birth to their second child, has remarried. I cannot think of happier news.

This August feels a little less depressing to me than the last few. Life goes on. Good things happen. Moving ahead doesn't mean forgetting, that won't happen, but there is room for new memories, too.

The NYT asks why war heroes aren't more visible. I think some of the real heroism is taking place at home.

11:55:05 AM   permalink   comment []

Two months from today, Greensboro will host a blog conference. I'll be writing more about this in the days ahead. It is looking quite good.

8:19:30 AM   permalink   comment []

CNET's list of top ten Dotcom flops. I could quibble with a few, but that's part of the purpose of these lists, I guess. Webvan is my number one, too...I remember the day Webvan announced it's "$1 billion deal" with Bechtel in the summer of '99, I called an analyst who had tripled his estimate of the online-grocery business on that news and asked him about Webvan's financing structure -- about which, it turned out, he knew little or nothing. A call to Bechtel showed that they were not pleased about the announcement, which made the possible sound like the achieved...that was the company that showed me that the man behind the curtain was not what he claimed to be.

8:16:56 AM   permalink   comment []

Hoggard: "When it all gets down to it, Jinni is the only person among us who is really having to suffer. 

"Sure, we can all offer words of encouragement, meals of meatloaf, and acts of unselfish love to get her through this but the fact is; beating cancer is a one person performance."

7:54:09 AM   permalink   comment []