Monday, August 29, 2005

A wise, sad, and hopeful comment about the Truth & Reconciliation process by John Young. Thanks, John.

9:07:58 PM   permalink   comment []

Also, we're free.

4:54:58 PM   permalink   comment []

Mr. Sun asks me about the real value of the Truth & Reconciliation process. Here is what I wrote:

I think the creation of thorough and fair oral and written history of that time is valuable in and of itself.

I think a better understanding of Greensboro's ownership of much of this drama -- from the role of our police to the damage inflicted on and remembered by our neighborhoods -- is valuable.

I think a better understanding of the depth of government involvement and police failure, even if it falls short of conspiracy, is a valuable lesson worth remembering today.

I think a final accounting of the very thing the CWP survivors have tried to whitewash, that is, the responsibility they bear for their rhetoric and actions, will bring some closure to this whole thing.

I think anything that puts in front of fat happy Americans the economic and social circumstances that lead people to the extremes of the CWP and the KKK is useful.

I hope that a fuller admission that the cops failed that day -- again, in ways that don't have involve conspiracy, but just a basic understanding that the peace was not kept -- may provide context so that the lingering distrust of law enforcement in the black community can be addressed.

I've said all along that reconciliation is to me the most important thing. Look at the 6-3 council vote, and the recriminations and accusations that fly around this project. Maybe writing a meaningful history will bring some of that to an end. I think the conversations online are already a step in that directon.

11:28:07 AM   permalink   comment []

Justin Catanoso writes a column about Greensboro's creative bloom without mentioning the words "blog," "Converge," or "News & Record." It's a story about creativity from the top down, Richard Florida, Action Greensboro, etc, which is all fine and real, but it feels weirdly incomplete. The single reference to the Internet is made re wi-fi in the the downtown park (by the way, the Biltmore hotel just added wi-fi to better accomodate the panelists and session leaders who will stay there).

11:13:51 AM   permalink   comment []

Iraq reconsidered by Cunning Realist: "Where Do We Go From Here?"

That's the crux of my criticism of this administration. The ones who got us here are mostly still running the joint, some have actually been promoted, the ones who were proven right were fired early on, and the few who left did so with medals on their chests. That gives me zero confidence in the ability of this bunch to pull off Iraq, Iran, or anything more challenging than organizing the White House's annual Easter egg hunt. And if its continued unforgivable reliance on mantras, platitudes and bromides is any indication, our political leadership has about the same level of confidence in its own ideas and abilities that I do.

9:04:11 AM   permalink   comment []

Links to blogs and other sites covering Hurricane Katrina. is a good central resource.

8:56:06 AM   permalink   comment []

Googling is healthy and natural. We all do it, sometimes several times a day. We Google ourselves and our friends and rivals and exes. But Googling the boss of Google, Eric Schmidt, is a good way to get Google mad at you.

Here's the offending article from CNET.

Bonus, via Dave: Scoble goes to Google.

8:47:09 AM   permalink   comment []

John Robinson: "The world of journalism has changed, and I'm amazed that more reporters haven't realized it."

8:29:36 AM   permalink   comment []

Eric Muller poses a question to Tim Tyson, author of Blood Done Sign My Name, and Tyson responds. The most interesting debate of the week in North Carolina is happening ona Chapel Hill weblog.

Update: More from Muller.

7:40:11 AM   permalink   comment []