Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hurry -- time is running out for the special $400 discount on admission to the Web 2.0 conference. Act now, and you get in for just $2,395.

I kid because I love -- it really does look like an interesting get-together.

If you can't swing the fee, or you are not planning to be in San Francisco that weekend, or you just like things a little looser and more user-driven...come to a nice free conference in Greensboro instead.

4:44:10 PM   permalink   comment []

Is forgiveness a part of the Truth & Reconciliation process? Cara and Jill Williams started talking about it here.

1:37:45 PM   permalink   comment []

The News & Observer is not happy with the $2 million stuffed into the state budget for "something called the ACC Hall of Champions in Greensboro." The Raleigh paper identifies it as one of the projects funded without proper discussion at the behest of "powerful legislators." That is the kind of thing of which I disapprove in principle, but I admit to being happy about the money and the fact we finally have some powerful legislators.

1:33:00 PM   permalink   comment []

A report on political blogging by Chris Bowers and Matt Stoller.

1:19:59 PM   permalink   comment []

Is your child becoming homosexual? Dr. Dobson's handy checklist.

Commentary from Backwards City (where I found this gem) -- but as noted here, the freakiest stuff comes at Dobson's own site, eg, the advice to encourage heteromanliness in that sissy boy of yours by showing him dad's man-sized wiener.

8:03:13 AM   permalink   comment []

I laughed. Sue me.

7:51:55 AM   permalink   comment []

Atrios sez, "the best way for candidates to reach out to the netroots now is to begin by reaching out to local bloggers...local races require local press and as we've seen local press will pay attention to local blogs in these kinds of things...

"...The buzz about for the most part going to come from the ground up now. Reach out to local bloggers."

Campaigns that try to graft the web onto their existing structures at the last minute will not be very effective on the web.

I wrote something similar last month: "Building web communities can take time, and smart campaigns won't wait too long to start building their local networks. There are ways to jumpstart that process...Getting people together in physical space to talk about the web can be very useful...To the extent that all politics is local, blogging should be, too."

7:29:15 AM   permalink   comment []