The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
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Friday, November 8, 2002

Neal has sent more of the Ted Nelson piece that appeared in yesterday's blog. I have added to it there for coherence. There is also this interesting sidebar from the original printing.

Mail Chauvinism: The Magicians, the Snark and the Camel by Ted Nelson

(from Creative Computing, Volume 7, Number 11, November 1981)

Can the At-Sign Save Us?

There is already a convention for passing messages among nets, which is in use between certain of them. A user of one net may address a user at say, Arpanet, as follows:


"Snerd" being the registered password of an Arpanet regular, the nets will pass this message on through to Arpanet, which will in turn see that "Snerd" is informed of its being stored there.

It was argued in private by certain attendees of the M&M Conference that dangers posed by the Post Office to the hopes of sophisticated users could in some ways be mollified by this convention.

Suppose the PO obtained that most feared prerogative, a monopoly of "electronic mail." Nonetheless, if you are a member of a known net and addressed through that net -- like SNERD@ARPANET -- then that message would be diverted to your home net before it ever got into the PO net.

But this is cold comfort for those creating an exciting information society, not merely for the network elite, but everybody. And unless the freakiest ideas can be tried on a competitive basis, we may never know what we would have really wanted.

6:40:59 AM    

When I was a teenager we had a series (Time Life Books I believe) of science books. One of the best volumes of the series was on matter and, among other things, showed someone who had a complete collection of the naturally occurring elements. Now you can have one of your own. I can imagine this would be the perfect gift for more than a few people I know.

The same book had a photo of what must have been a dozen liquids layered on each other. It started with mercury and ended with something of very low density. Here are some homework questions.

At room temperature (say 25C) and sea level barometric pressure (760 torr)

How many layers of liquid can you stack on each other without mixing them?

How many layers are possible if the stack is to be non-poisonous?

How many layers if the stack is to be non-poisonous and non-alcoholic?

What results do you get at 5C SLBP and 45C SLBP?

6:33:43 AM    

Recently a steered beam 802.11 system was announced. In my mind directed non-linear sound is much more interesting as a technology. It turns out that you can create arbitrary acoustic waves by controlling the interaction of higher frequency acoustic waves with the propagation medium (water, air, ...). A few years ago grad student managed to work out how to build a projected audio speaker and Holosonic Research Labs was formed to commercialize the idea.

I have listened to a few demonstrations of this stuff and it is quite impressive. The quality of the sound wasn't quite musical, but there are many applications where that isn't an issue.
6:31:47 AM    

OK - it is Friday. Nothing like listening to your favorite mathematical proof set to music. (thanks Bart - I think).

I agree with the author - the Schroder-Bernstein theorm is catchy.
6:31:06 AM    

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