The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Thursday, October 31, 2002

What if environmentalists started to discover new techniques that technology makes possible? Nothing like the power of a helicopter, digital camera, powerbook, gps and the web.

Sweet ... The actual site seems to be down at the moment, but here is the link
10:39:54 AM    

Politics and Halloween seem linked through the concept of "trick or treat" so it seems reasonable to note a piece on long term political demographics by Judis and Teixeria that is running in Salon.

Essentially a two page summary of their new book, it predicts an emerging dominance of the Democratic party using the same arguments that Kevin Phillips used his famous 1969 piece that predicted the rise of the Republican party.

Long term social predictions are exceedingly difficult, but those based on demographic trends seem to be a bit more solid than those based on other techniques. Of course there are wildcards and perhaps external events will snuff out our democracy, but this is an interesting piece.

An interesting piece of current "trick or treat" from the politicans is the curious case of Mr Webster and Mr Pitt.
7:42:50 AM    

Hmmm .. a candy site with positive (or at least non negative) comments about candy and health.

Take a look at their candy statistics page. It would seem that the Danes have a sweet tooth. My sister and brother-in-law live there and have been working on the introduction of candy corn (which the Danes view as marzipan).

Candy corn, it turns out, is a very old candy.
6:42:56 AM    

Celebrate Halloween with CEO masks courtesy of Forbes Magazine.

Unfortunately the CEO list is very incomplete. Maybe the way to celebrate the holiday is to go door to door and ask people for a penny to help your 201k ... or 0.201k in some cases.
6:15:07 AM    

New Jersey has a certain cool factor when it comes to Halloween.

Thanks for all of the work Doug!

Reality radio from 1938.

If you think people aren't that gullible these days, look around at our leaders.

How old is Halloween? It seems the holiday a recent American invention (not unlike Christmas)
6:14:54 AM    

Thanks to Dave we have an interesting story to contemplate
6:14:37 AM    

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