Salon has a feature on the sniper subculture of the NRA in their premium section.
I really wonder if the framers of the Constitution would accept ultra accurate/ultra deadly weapons as "arms." It can be argued that the major danger of using a firearm in the late eighteenth century was from the infection resulting from a wound.
In any event there are enthusiasts who love super accurate/super deadly rifles
For an interesting experience, call your representative and ask for their current view on gun control. You will only get a staff memberwho is generally untrained on the subject, but the conversation can be interesting - particularly if the staffer is female.
I'm sure that I'll get a position letter in the mail thanking me for my interest in public policy and for supporting the second amendment (my rep is the NJ Republican Rodney Frelinghuysen). Somehow I was once placed on an NRA mailing list after such a call.
Both parties are "respectful" (some might say afraid) of the NRA, but one seems to take dictation from the organization.
Check out the NRA site
Among other things they are screaming about a vote in LA that would ban .50 caliber rifles in city limits. My gosh -- how will people protect themselves from runaway hippos and elephants?
Of course, in the spirit of full disclosure, I must note that I'm biased - one of my uncles was murdered by a shooter in San Francisco.
8:27:47 AM