The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
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Sunday, October 20, 2002

Dan Bricklin has been pushing blogs as business tools for some time

It must have been effective. Trellix - his company - has been signing industrial intranet blog contracts. He also just announced an agreement to supply blog tools to Earthlink. Good show Dan!
10:16:52 AM    

Some folks at Cornell have come up with a very nice Beta decay battery. Chemical batteries don't have much further to go and are inadequate for many applications. This one might have great promise for medical applications (and a few others mentioned in the article).
9:08:48 AM    

Boeing is talking about a very large surface effect transport . These are not airplanes, but are generally called "wing in ground effect" or "wing in surface effect" vehicles.

The idea of building huge WISE craft is not novel and the Soviet Union had a large project that produced Some monsters were built by the Central Design Bureau of Hydrofoils.

shows several remarkable designs - the KM was flown around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis and was remarkable for its day... 540 tons, 106m length, 430km/h speed and - gasp - manual controls. The pilots must have literally been bears.
7:19:11 AM    

Paul Krugman has a thought provoking article on wealth in America in this weeks Sunday Times Magazine.

His last paragraph:

"Am I being too pessimistic? Even my liberal friends tell me not to worry, that our system has great resilience, that the center will hold. I hope they're right, but they may be looking in the rearview mirror. Our optimism about America, our belief that in the end our nation always finds its way, comes from the past -- a past in which we were a middle-class society. But that was another country."
7:18:26 AM    

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